DESY is one of the world’s leading research centres for photon science, particle and astroparticle physics as well as accelerator physics.
The particle physics programme of DESY includes strong contributions to the LHC experiments at CERN and the preparation of future experiments. The experimental programme is enhanced by collaboration with a strong theory group. The DESY ATLAS group is involved in data analyses focusing on W and Z production, Higgs, top quark and Beyond Standard Model physics. In addition the group is involved in the operation of the ATLAS detector and developments for future upgrades, such as the Fast Tracker (FTK) trigger and the ATLAS silicon strip tracker for the High Luminosity LHC.
The position
- Analysis of ATLAS data and/or detector development for the ATLAS upgrade(s)
- Contributions to operation and/or upgrade of the ATLAS detector
Desired skills and experience
- Diploma/Master in Physics with excellent grades
- Deep interest in particle physics experiments
- Teamwork, communication and presentation skills
- Good English language skills
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