15th International Publishers Exhibition 8-9/3 στην Κύπρο 

International Publishers Exhibitions


15th International Publishers Exhibition...


The International Publishers Exhibition reach their 15th exhibition in Cyprus, creating a tradition for all Foreign Language Professionals. The seminars and book exhibition will take place on Tuesday, 8 March 2016, 09.30 - 17.00 and on Wednesday, 9 March 2016, 09.30 - 14.00, at the Hilton Cyprus Hotel in Nicosia.

Keeping our commitment to lifelong learning, some of the most respectful publishing houses will present their latest coursebooks and teaching materials during the 15th IPE.  In addition to the book exhibition, a total of 10 presentations and workshops will take place enabling the attendees to enrich their knowledge, improve their teaching techniques and in general expand their teaching horizons. The presenters of the University of Cambridge (Bob Obee) and the University of Cyprus (Dina Tsagari) will cover the latest evolutions on foreign language assessment, while the representatives of publishing houses will deepen in the latest trends used in their new coursebooks.

The admission to the IPE, the biggest event of its kind in Cyprus, is free for teachers and professors of private and state schools, colleges and universities.

A copy of the detailed programme can be downloaded from or obtained free of charge from the reception desk of the Hilton Cyprus Hotel, Archibishop Makariou III Ave. 98 , Nicosia.


more information:

το ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ θα βρείτε ΕΔΩ 

DCS - International Publishers Exhibitions, Chariton 5, GR 17564 Paleo Faliro, Tel: +30 211 715 7375

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