Master στις Βρετανικές σπουδές στην Γερμανία

The Centre for British Studies at Berlin’s Humboldt-Universität annually selects thirty candidates for its acclaimed interdisciplinary M.A. British Studies programme. This course starts every year in October and is open to graduates from any academic subject. Applicants need to have a good first degree in any subject and a very good knowledge of English. On the M.A.B.S. course, students from different nations and with different academic backgrounds study British history, culture, and literature, as well as law, politics, business, and economy.

The postgraduate course is an interdisciplinary teaching programme over 2 years. Having successfully completed the Certificate Phase during the first year, students receive a British Studies certificate. After successful completion of the entire course, students are awarded the degree M.A. British Studies.

The Certificate Phase comprises about 30 weeks of teaching stretching over 2 semesters. The first semester (Core Programme) consists of a series of compulsory lectures and seminars. In the second semester (Options Programme) students can choose 3 out of 6 options (see course outline on website). Students have to attend an average of at least 20 hours of classes per week. These may include suitable classes taught in other departments.

During the Master Phase students take part in advanced seminars including transdisciplinary optional modules, which can be chosen from other master programmes. As part of their work placement, they spend 3 months with a firm or institution in Britain or Ireland. The last 6 months of the Master Phase are dedicated to writing a thesis.

The teaching staff consists of academics and practitioners from Germany and the United Kingdom. All classes are conducted in English. The M.A.B.S. was reaccredited in 2008 with excellent results. The Centre’s graduates have turned out to be motivated and broad-minded, combining academic and business skills with a high level of intercultural competence.

Καταληκτική ημερομηνία: Δευτέρα 30 Απριλίου 2018 

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες πατήστε εδώ: Master in British Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany (2018)

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