Scholarships, in Accounting, Reporting and Taxation, University of Graz,in Austria 

We invite excellent students to apply for our accounting doctoral program DART, starting its next round on October 1, 2018. DART specializes in the area of accounting, reporting, and taxation with a focus on economics-based research, applying quantitative research methods and modeling. It is a joint PhD program of two major Austrian Universities, located in Graz and in Vienna. The program is fully taught in English and covers all areas of accounting research. DART offers a stimulating learning and research environment and provides financial support to outstanding students from around the world who seek a career in leading academic institutions. DART graduates have been placed at the University of Melbourne, the University of Hannover, the University of Basel, the University of and the Vienna University of Economics and Business.


The program offers research opportunities particularly in the following concurrent areas in accounting:

- Financial reporting
- Auditor regulation and audit quality
- Management accounting
- Accounting and corporate governance
- Taxation and incentives

Students admitted to DART enroll in the formal doctoral program at one of the two participating universities. Unless financed by other sources, they receive full funding by scholarships.

At the beginning of each program, students attend an intensive set of core courses, such as analytical and empirical methods in accounting, finance, and economics. The required courses also include mathematics and statistics, and economic modeling. Advanced courses are electives that students select depending on their research specialization. Research seminars are held by the local faculty, comprising leading accounting researchers in Austria, and by international faculty, e.g.,

Tim Baldenius, Thomas Hemmer, Wayne Landsman, Bjorn Jorgensen, Anne Beyer, Volker Laux, Christian Leuz, Catherine Schrand, Stefan Reichelstein, Shane Dikolli, and Robert Verrecchia held seminars previously. The courses provide students with the necessary knowledge and capabilities to engage in their own research. After the course phase, students enter their thesis-writing phase. They benefit from a strong interaction with their dissertation committee and other DART faculty. Students also meet internationally renowned scholars presenting their concurrent research projects in accounting workshops at the two locations.

Students are offered and encouraged to visit a university abroad for a semester during their studies. Opportunities for such mobility are manifold because of the faculty’s large network of researchers and universities around the world.

Καταληκτική ημερομηνία: Σάββατο 31 Μαρτίου 2018 

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες πατήστε εδώ: PhD Scholarships, DART – PhD Program in Accounting, Reporting & Taxation, University of Graz, Austria (2018)

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