This programme is designed to support highly motivated students to become part of the next generation of top-educated neuroscientists
Fully funded for four years; Outstanding quality of the faculty; Access to top technology; Translational reseach; English speaking; Living in Vienna
Eligibility: Master's degree or MD; You can also apply if you have a Bachelor's degree. However, in this case you must have completed a four year course, achieved a first class honors or a 2:1, and you should be able to demonstrate that you have acquired a significant amount of research experience. In addition, you have to document that your degree formally qualifies to enter a PhD or equivalent programme in the country where you have obtained your degree.
The official working language of the PhD-programme and in the host research laboratories is English – this includes all discussions and seminars, both formal and informal.
The successful candidates will be employed by the MedUni Vienna and will be fully insured (accident, health, pension). The salaries offered to PhD students are among the highest for PhD Programmes in Europe.
Καταληκτική ημερομηνία: Τρίτη 1 Μαΐου 2018
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