Δώδεκα μεταπτυχιακές υποτροφίες στο University of Louvain, στο Βέλγιο, 2018

A consortium of five Belgian universities is seeking PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and computer scientists to work in the framework of the PARAMOUR project (Decadal Predictability and vAriability of polar climate: the Role of AtMosphere- Ocean-cryosphere mUltiscale inteRactions) funded by the program EOS –The excellence of Science.

PARAMOUR aims at revealing fundamental drivers of climate variability and assessing climate predictability in high latitudes by using coupled regional climate models in both hemispheres.

We invite applications for the following positions:

PhD Students
- Influence of small-scale ocean and sea ice processes on the decadal variability and predictability of the atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet system in the Totten glacier area, Antarctica (UCL)
- Influence of initialization and basal processes within ice sheet models on the decadal variability and predictability of the atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet system (ULB)
- Influence of small-scale atmospheric processes on the decadal variability and predictability of the atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet system in the Totten glacier area, Antarctica (KU Leuven)
- Influence of small-scale Greenland ice sheet processes on the decadal variability and predictability of the atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet system (VUB)
- Influence of the oceanic and atmospheric processes driving the sea ice extent variability in Arctic and sea surface temperature changes around Greenland (ULiège)

Post Doctoral Researchers
- Decadal variability of the Southern Ocean and its contribution to the predictability of the atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet system (UCL)
- Sensitivity of the ice sheet/ice shelf system on decadal variability and predictability of the atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet system (ULB)
- Decadal variability of the Greenland ice sheet and its contribution to the predictability of the atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet system (VUB)
- Decadal variability of the Greenland Ice sheet Surface Mass balance linked with the Arctic Amplification and recent atmospheric circulation changes (ULiège)

Computer scientists
- Supervising the technical developments of a climate model configuration covering Totten glacier region (KU Leuven)
- Supervising the technical developments of a climate model configuration covering Antarctica and the Southern Ocean (UCL)
- Supervising the technical developments of a climate model configuration covering Greenland, the North Atlantic and the Arctic (VUB).

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