Μέχρι 2/4 οι αιτήσεις για τις διδακτορικές υποτροφίες MolMed and AMBRA

The Medical University of Graz and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) offer PhD positions in the international PhD programs in “Inflammatory Disorders in Pregnancy” (DP-iDP), “Molecular Medicine” (MolMed) and “Advanced Medical Biomarker Research” (AMBRA). The PhD studies provide an in-depth, multidisciplinary training in biomedical research in a stimulating international environment. The thesis projects focus on aspects of inflammatory diseases with a special focus in pregnancy, metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, cancer, as well as novel therapeutic targets and the development of medical biomarkers and therapies, and integrate basic research and clinically-oriented sciences utilizing a wide spectrum of state-of-the-art techniques.

Selected PhD students get employed for up to 3 years (initial contract for one year with the option of prolongation upon successful performance) with a contract that includes social benefits. Moreover, DP-iDP students will be encouraged to spend up to one year abroad joining other collaborating laboratories with the possibility of a 4th year extension of their contract.

Applicants must hold (or be close to obtaining) an undergraduate degree equivalent to a Master in any discipline of natural or life sciences or medicine. The selection procedure, all training activities and communications will be in English. Thus, excellent written and spoken English skills are required.

Καταληκτική ημερομηνία: Δευτέρα 2 Απριλίου 2018

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