Διδακτορικές υποτροφίες για πέντε φοιτητές στη Νορβηγία, 2018

5 PhD positions related to Information- and Communication Technology available at The Faculty of Technology, Art and Design

There are currently 5 open PhD positions at the Faculty for Technology, Art and Design (TKD). All 5 positions are full-time (100%) for a period of 3 years.

The faculty has a multidisciplinary profile and offers higher education and research and development (R&D) activities within technical subjects, art and design. The faculty will collaborate closely with the recently established research center on digital engineering: Simula@OsloMet. TKD is an important contributor to OsloMet’s strategic goal of being a leading provider of research and education for solving the big challenges for society - today and in the future. We welcome research students with devotion and ideas on how to develop and apply information and communication technology in the interface between theory and practice in our research areas.

The faculty has approximately 2800 students and 240 staff members, and is located at Pilestredet campus in downtown Oslo and at Kjeller campus in Akershus.

Research topic and project description

Applicants are requested to select a research topic related to one of the faculty’s research groups focus areas. The eligible topics and description of suggested projects and research groups can be found here.

The research group will provide a supervisor for the project, and the candidate will be employed at the department to which the research group belongs.

General qualifications

Master’s degree with 120 ECTS or equivalent with an average grade of A (best grade) or B within a scale of A-E passing of grades (candidates with an average of C might be considered on the basis of other qualifications). Bachelor’s degree must have an average grade of C or higher.

Experience in publishing academic works is an advantage.

Must be fluent in English, both spoken and written.

Some topics require specific skills and qualifications. These are described on the same webpage as the topics.

Desired skills

Strong analytical skills.

Ability to work independently, take initiative, plan and direct own work, and goal-oriented.

Excellent communication skills and ability to collaborate in interdisciplinary teams.

High motivation for research work.


Each PhD position presupposes admission to a PhD program. TKD is in the process of establishing a PhD program in collaboration with Simula@OsloMet. Until the program is established, PhD students must apply for admission to approved PhD-programs at other institutions or other faculties at OsloMet. PhD students who are employed may be transferred to TKD’s PhD program upon its establishment, provided there remains at least one year of the PhD period.

Final project plan shall be completed and approved within 3 months after being offered the position.

Καταληκτική ημερομηνία: Τετάρτη 18 Απριλίου 2018

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