Διδακτορικές υποτροφίες

The University of Eastern Finland, UEF, is one of the largest multidisciplinary universities in Finland. We offer education in nearly one hundred major subjects, and are home to approximately 15,500 students and 2,500 members of staff. From 1 August 2018 onwards, we’ll be operating on two campuses, in Joensuu and Kuopio. In international rankings, we are ranked among the leading universities in the world.

The Faculty of Science and Forestry operates on the Kuopio and Joensuu campuses of the University of Eastern Finland. The mission of the faculty is to carry out internationally recognised scientific research and to offer research-education in the fields of natural sciences and forest sciences. The faculty invests in all of the strategic research areas of the university. The faculty’s environments for research and learning are international, modern and multidisciplinary. The faculty has approximately 3,800 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students and some 490 postgraduate students. The number of staff amounts to 560.

We are now inviting applications for 28 early stage researcher (doctoral student) positions in the doctoral programmes of the Faculty of Science and Forestry

Doctoral education at the Faculty of Science and Forestry is offered by three doctoral programmes: , and these programmes are now inviting a total of 28 applications for early stage researcher (doctoral student) positions. This call for applications pertains to the positions open in the Doctoral Programme in Forests and Bioresources (FORES)

The doctoral student positions may be applied for by persons who, according to the Universities Act (558/2009, Chapter 5, Section 37), are eligible for studies leading to a scientific postgraduate degree. A person to be appointed as an early stage researcher shall be qualified to pursue postgraduate studies, i.e. he or she is required to have completed a suitable higher university degree or an equivalent education abroad which in the country in question would qualify the person for similar academic studies (UEF University Regulations 2017, Section 31).

The doctoral student positions may be applied for by persons already enrolled as postgraduate students at the University of Eastern Finland and by persons planning to complete their doctoral dissertation at the University of Eastern Finland. Students who are finalising their Master’s degree may also apply for the doctoral student positions, provided that they complete their Master’s degree by 31 July 2018 and submit a copy of the degree certificate to the faculty by 1 September 2018. In this group, the decision on a possible doctoral student position is subject to the completion of the Master’s degree by the deadline.

The application needs to be submitted no later than 9 May 2018 (by 24.00 hours Finnish time) by using the electronic application form.

Καταληκτική ημερομηνία: Τετάρτη 9 Μαΐου 2018

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