Διδακτορικές υποτροφίες στη Βιέννη

The Logical Methods in Computer Science – LogiCS doctoral program is a PhD degree program, funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF and run jointly by the three Austrian universities TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology), Graz University of Technology and Johannes Kepler University Linz.

Why study Logical Methods in Computer Science?
LogiCS offers an international program characterized by the unique combination of disciplineswhere logical methods decisively impact practical computer science.Logic is a powerful reasoning tool. Originally invented as an aid for sound argumentation, it reached maturity in the form of mathematical logic and analytic philosophy in the early 20th century, with significant contributions from Vienna. LogiCS continoues this tradition, using logic as a tool that enables computer programs to reason about the world.

Successful applicants will work on interdisciplinary research topics covering

computational logic,

databases and artificial intelligence, 

computer-aided verification, and

emerging application domains, such as cyber-physical systems, distributed systems, and security & privacy.

We are looking for 16 doctoral students, where 30% of the positions are reserved for highly qualified female candidates. 

The doctoral positions are funded for a period of 4 years according to the funding scheme of the Austrian Science Fund.

Additional positions will be available through other funding.

Καταληκτική ημερομηνία: Παρασκευή 31 Αυγούστου 2018

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