Εύρεση εργασίας 


A Clinical Research Organization in Athens is currently seeking for a Clinical Research Associate (CRA).

Responsibilities of the Clinical Research Associate include but are not limited to:

- Perform site management activities for a variety of protocols, sites and therapeutic areas.
- Perform site selection, initiation, monitoring and close-out visits in accordance with contracted scope of work and ICH/GCP.
- Follow up on  applicable site related agreements execution and perform budget control during the study
- Create and maintain appropriate clinical trial related documentation
- Prepare submissions to regulatory and national ethics committee
- Organize investigator training meetings
- Support Clinical Project Management

Απαραίτητα Προσόντα

- Bachelor’s degree, within Medicine, Biological Science, Pharmacology, or a relevant life sciences discipline is essential
- Post Graduate studies are beneficial
- Excellent knowledge of ICH-GCP, regulations and clinical research requirements
- At least 2 years’ experience as a CRA in Interventional Clinical trials
- Effective  organizational ,  time management , prioritizing  and problem-solving skills
- Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships, excellent interpersonal and negotiation skills
- Adequate computer knowledge and presentation skills
- Excellent language and communication skills both in Greek and English
- Driving license and ability to travel



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