
We are currently seeking on behalf of our client, a large Medical Facilities Management company based in United Arab Emirates, Medical Professionals in the following fields of expertise: 

•    General Practitioners (Doctors)
•    Pediatricians (Doctors)
•    Radiology (Doctors)
•    Laboratory Medicine (Doctors)
•    Registrar Dentists  (Doctors) & Assistant Registrar Dentists  (Doctors)
•    Dental Technician (Technical)
•    General Practice (Nurses)
•    Pediatric (Nurses)
•    Radiology (Nurses)

The selected candidates will cover medical positions in various Medical Clinics in the region of United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar with public and private Hospitals/companies as partners and clients. 

The position offers:
•    Excellent working conditions 
•    Minimum 2 year contract
•    Extremely competitive Remuneration package based on relative experience 
•    Family Visa & medical insurance 
•    Paid leave of 30 calendar days 

Necessary Requirements: 
•    For the positions of Assistant Registrar 1-2 years of experience 
•    For the positions of Registrar minimum 3-5 years of experience
•    Fluency in English

The selection process includes an interview with a medical committee from the country of interest. 

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