Εύρεση εργασίας 

The Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL) of the Foundation for research and Technology Hellas (FORTH), in the framework of the project ARCHERS, aimed at reducing or even reversing the brain drain, which is funded by an exclusive donation of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, is seeking to recruit four Ph.D. candidates.

Job Description

The Ph.D. candidates awarded these Stavros Niarchos Foundation – FORTH fellowships are expected to perform high quality research within one of the research areas, in which FORTH-IESL excels both on the national and the international level ( More specifically, the domains of interest in the present project are the preservation of cultural heritage and the science and innovation in the areas of environment, clean energy and health.

Eligibility Criteria

 B.Sc. degree in Physical Sciences or Engineering

 M.Sc. degree in Physical Sciences or Engineering

 Good knowledge of Greek and English language

Desirable qualifications

 Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) of the undergraduate studies (25%)

 Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) of the M.Sc. studies (25%)

 Publications in high impact peer-review journals (15%)

 Participation in national and international conferences (15%)

 Quality of the proposed project (20%)

Location: IESL-FORTH, Heraklion Crete GREECE

Start Date: 1rst of April, 2017

Duration of appointment: 12 months (with possibility of extension according to the needs of the project).

Application Submission

Interested candidates who meet the aforementioned requirements are kindly asked to submit their applications, no later than the 28 of February 2017, 23:59 local time (Greece) to the address ([email protected]) with cc. to the address ([email protected]).

In order to be considered, the application must include:

 Filled-in Application Form (attached)

 Detailed curriculum vitae (CV) of the candidate

 Statement of purpose with a proposed project in a specific sub-area of research and a relation to the appropriate scientific advisor (maximum 2 pages)

 Copies of academic titles/transcripts

 Language certificates

 At least one reference letter

Any application received after the deadline will not be considered for the selection


For information and questions regarding the application and selection procedure, candidates are asked to contact Dr. Georgina Kaklamani ([email protected], tel. +30 2810-391355).

Selection Announcement

The result of the selection will be announced on the website of IESL-FORTH. Candidates have the right to appeal the selection decision, by addressing their written objection to the IESL secretariat within five (5) days since the results announcement on the web. They also have the right to access (a) the files of the candidates as well as (b) the table of candidates’ scores (ranking of candidates results). All the above information related to the selection procedure will be available at the secretariat of IESL-FORTH in line with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority.

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