Εύρεση εργασίας 

Nokia is a global leader in the technologies that connect people and things. With state-of-the-art software, hardware and services for any type of network, Nokia is uniquely positioned to help communication service providers, governments, and large enterprises deliver on the promise of 5G, the Cloud and the Internet of Things.  Serving customers in over 100 countries, our research scientists and engineers continue to invent and accelerate new technologies that will increasingly transform the way people and things communicate and connect.

We are looking for under graduated students interested in internship in Technology Center in Athens.

You will act under guidance on specified competence area that may include thesis-related work. You will work in Test Automation related projects and improvement projects supporting tools. You will be part of a team responsible for the projects mentioned above. The organization offers the opportunity working in an international environment with friendly working atmosphere in a team of young professionals.


Additional requirements:

We are looking for candidates having knowledge in some or all the fields below :

  • – Python (Anaconda, Django or Flask frameworks)
  • – Supervised Machine Learning techniques and algorithms (i.e. Random Forest, Log Regression)
  • – NoSQL (Apache Cassandra db)
  • – SPARK
  • – CSS (Bootstrap)
  • – JavaScript
  • – DB administration
  • – Linux Administration

Knowledge of script languages,  network architecture (especially 3G, LTE), Agile methodology,  software testing methods and practices as well as test automation

will be seen as additional assets

Personal attributes:

  • – good communication and team working skills
  • – problem solving attitude
  • – analytical skills and creativeness
  • – pro-activeness
  • – ability to work under strict deadlines and quality guidelines
  • – personal commitment
  • – willingness to learn, discover and research
  • – good written English language skills


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