Θέσεις εργασίας στην Ευρώπη από τον ΟΑΕΔ σε τομείς: ιατρούς, νοσηλευτές, επιστήμονες βιοϊατρικής, οδοντίατροι, ακτινολόγοι, μαίες και ορθοπεδικοί

About the workplace
Region Norrbotten serves the residents of Norrbotten. We are governed by the residents of the county through general elections. Region Norrbotten is one of the county’s biggest employers and most of the employees work within healthcare and medical care. Region Norrbotten provides healthcare, medical care, dental care and education.Norrbotten is a large county and constitutes a quarter of Sweden.

The county has five hospitals situated in Luleå/Sunderbyn, Kalix, Piteå, GällivareandKiruna and over 30 health centres. Our activities are characterised by creativity and innovation. The long distances in our county has led, amongst other things, to our becoming the best in IT solutions within healthcare. We have two well established research programmes within cardiovascular disease (MONICA) and obstructive lung disease (OLIN) and new exciting research is taking place in other areas.

Region Norrbottenhas approximately 7,300 employees and weneed to expand. We are looking for physicians, nurses, biomedicine scientists, dentists, audiologists, midwifes and orthopaedist engineers for some of our hospitals in Norrbotten and even for our health centres elsewhere in the county. For more info, see:

The county Norrrbotten
Norrbotten is experiencing strong development, both economically and culturally. Here you will find powerful, warm people, consideration and social services, towns and wilderness. Norrbotten offers excellent opportunities for a good work-life balance. Visit:

Your background

You are a professional, with EU license if your profession requires that. We prefer that you have a Swedish license via The National Board of Health and Welfare. Read more at:

We prefer that you are fluent in the Swedish language and if you are not you should be committed to learn.

We expect you to be competent and flexible. We place great importance on personal suitability.

Employment facts
Region Norrbotten alwaysaim to offer permanent full time employment. We are open to the idea of individual solutions regarding practical arrangements like introduction programme and language training.

Region Norrbotten practises individual salary setting in accordance with collective agreements.


In the beginning of April we will visit Larissa and Athens at the Eures “Swedish Week” and hold interviews.

Send your application and personal letter to [email protected] , write “Greece 2018 in the subject line of your mail. We are looking forward to receiving your application as soon as possible.

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σχετικά άρθρα

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