Legal Officer ECRE - European Council on Refugees and Exiles  Brussels, Belgium

Legal Officer

ECRE - European Council on Refugees and Exiles

Brussels, Belgium


Job purpose

To take the lead in research on the application of the internal protection alternative (IPA) and the concept of actors of protection in refugee status and subsidiary protection claims in the EU, in line with the ECRE project “Actors of Protection and Application of the Internal Protection Alternative” (APIPA) funded by the European Refugee Fund (ERF).

Terms and conditions

Reports to: Senior Legal Officer/Head of Projects and Tenders.

This is a part-time post (50%) for up to 16 months (depending on the start date).

Ideally the successful candidate would be available to start as soon as possible. We hope to hold interviews on 7th and 8th November.

This post is a Grade 2 post on the ECRE salary scale with the salary awarded dependent on the number of years’ experience and other criteria.

Full details of the ECRE salary scale and grading criteria can be requested from Claire Rimmer Quaid on [email protected].

Place in the organization

  • Service: Projects and Tenders;
  • Reports hierarchically to: Senior Legal Officer for supervision on research, Head of Projects and Tenders for line management;
  • Coordinates with: Project Co-ordinator, APIPA

Other relationships - internal

  • Legal Officer (EDAL/ELENA);
  • Senor Legal and Policy Officer;
  • Project and Training Officer;
  • Senior Press and Information Officer

Relationships - external

  • Project Partners and national coordinators/national experts;
  • ECRE Member Agencies and other relevant partners;
  • EU Institutions and Agencies;
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees;
  • Academic experts.

Key responsibilities

  • Take the lead on the research methodology;
  • Coordinate and support legal research amongst 11 national;
  • Briefings on legal issues for project events;
  • Cooperation with project partners on legal research on vulnerable groups;
  • Cooperation with partners and the project coordinator on the methodology for interviews with persons in need of international protection in selected member states;
  • Drafting and publication of research report on the Qualification Directive and issues related to Actors of Protection and IPA, including recommendations on state practice;
  • Contribute to training and advocacy work on these issues.

Person specification


  • University degree in law. Additional training in European refugee law or equivalent education an advantage.


  • Minimum two years of relevant legal experience in the field of asylum;
  • Relevant research experience on asylum issues or the wider human rights field.


  • Fluent written and spoken English;
  • Good knowledge of written and spoken French an advantage;
  • Working knowledge of other European languages an advantage.

Specific Knowledge

  • Good knowledge of EU asylum and refugee law, particularly the Qualification Directive (texts from 2004 and 2011);
  • Relevant legal experience on issues of Actors of Protection or the Internal Protection Alternative (research, advocacy, litigation or individual case work);
  • Knowledge of EU structures and institutions;
  • Excellent knowledge of international refugee law;
  • Knowledge of undertaking comprehensive comparative research and drafting policy recommendations on the basis of practice.

Essential Abilities

  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team as well as with mixed audiences of highly qualified legal and policy experts;
  • Ability to meet short deadlines and work under pressure;
  • Ability to translate complex legal issues into reader-friendly and policy-relevant language;
  • Ability to undertake research and produce publications and policy papers.

Personal Qualities

  • Patient and calm in pressurised situations;
  • Consultative, constructive problem solving approach;
  • Flexibility and willingness to work out of office hours when necessary;
  • Good sense of humor;
  • Readiness to travel internationally (mainly in Europe).

Equal opportunity statement

ECRE aims to ensure that no prospective or actual employee is discriminated against on the basis of race, sex, nationality, marital status, sexual orientation, employment status, class, disability, age, religious belief or political persuasion, or is disadvantaged by any condition or requirement, which is not demonstrably justifiable.



Η προσπαθεί να δημοσιεύει τις πιο έγκυρες αγγελίες εύρεσης εργασίας. Στα πλαίσια αυτά όσοι ενδιαφέρονται για εργασία μπορούν να επισκέπτονται την κεντρική μας σελίδα για την "εύρεση εργασίας". Επίσης όσοι είναι ...κολλημένοι με το facebook μπορούν να επισκέπτονται και τη σελίδα μας "βρίσκω δουλειά". Η ενημέρωση είναι συνεχής και άμεση και στις δύο σελίδες.

Επιλέξτε την για να βρείτε δουλειά.
Σε περίπτωση που έχετε κάποια παρατήρηση, ή θέλετε να αναρτήσουμε την αγγελία σας στείλτε μας μέιλ στο [email protected].


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