  We are the world’s leading chemical company because we offer intelligent solutions for our customers and for a sustainable future


We are the world’s leading chemical company because we offer intelligent solutions for our customers and
 for a sustainable future. We link and develop people with diverse talents all over the world. For you, this
 means a variety of ways to advance. Not only your performance but also your personality matters to us. At
BASF, careers develop from opportunities.
The Lampertheim site is headquarter of BASF’s Nutrition & Health business unit. Lampertheim is located
 amidst the Rhine-Neckar triangle, to the north of Ludwigshafen – the world’s largest BASF site and Group
 headquarters. You will find this to be an attractive place for both work and play. For the next possible entry
 date we are looking for a Key Account Manager (m/f)
What you can expect:
 As a Key Account Manager (m/f) you will be responsible for the establishment and the development and preservation of a long customer relationship for the key account you are in charge of. This includes price negotiations as well as theperception of potential future business growth. Based on that customer and market information, you will create new business and customer concepts and point out possible profit oportunities. Beyond that, you will analyse and interpret current market trends and review possible impacts and discuss these in the sales team. Furthermore you issue the annual budget for the Key Account and update the forecast and the short term order planning in cooperation with the customer service.
What we expect:
 You have successfully completed your economics or chemistry studies and gained professional international experience in the field of sales and marketing, ideally in a comparable position. Beyond that, you have know-how in the area of flavour chemicals and already worked with customers in the personal care industry. You are familiar with the methods of price- and customer management and you are well versed in different sales processes. You present yourself in a friendly and service-oriented manner towards customers. You convince trough your communication skills, conduct contract negotiations in German and English and you have solid French language skills. You are team player and distinguish yourself by solving your tasks goal- and solution-oriented.
We offer:
 Responsibility from day one in a challenging work environment and “on-the-job” training as part of a committed team.
 Competitive compensation including attractive benefits as well as excellent career opportunities in an international company.
Expect to be surprised by the exciting range of career opportunities at BASF.
Η προσπαθεί να δημοσιεύει τις πιο έγκυρες αγγελίες εύρεσης εργασίας. Στα πλαίσια αυτά όσοι ενδιαφέρονται για εργασία μπορούν να επισκέπτονται την κεντρική μας σελίδα για την "εύρεση εργασίας". Επίσης όσοι είναι ...κολλημένοι με το facebook μπορούν να επισκέπτονται και τη σελίδα μας "βρίσκω δουλειά". Η ενημέρωση είναι συνεχής και άμεση και στις δύο σελίδες.

Επιλέξτε την για να βρείτε δουλειά.
Σε περίπτωση που έχετε κάποια παρατήρηση, στείλτε μας μέιλ στο [email protected]. Αν πάλι θέλετε να αναρτήσετε τη δική σας αγγελία, εντελώς δωρεάν, πατήστε ΕΔΩ


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