Για να διαμαρτυρηθούμε, κάνουμε τα εξής:
1. Πατάμε like και διαδίδουμε την νέα σελίδα Κυριακάτικο Σχολείο Μεταναστών,
2. Κάνουμε αναφορά προβλήματος στο Facebook ζητώντας να επαναφέρει τις σελίδες, επισημαίνοντας (στα αγγλικά πάντα) ότι το κατέβασμά της ήταν αποτέλεσμα της συντονισμένης επίθεσης ακροδεξιών.
Εάν σας βγάζει τη λέξη σφάλμα, πατήστε εκεί που λέει, πείτε τη γνώμη σας και επικολλείστε το ίδιο κείμενο.
Προτεινόμενο μήνυμα στα Αγγλικά:
“The 13000 likers request that the page “KYRIAKATIKO SXOLEIO METANASTWN” is restored as soon as possible. THe page has important social and community empowerment activity and has never harmed anyone. Instead, it has been the target of Greek fascists who have reported the page because the page is the official FB page of a grassroots school where volunteer teachers teach migrants so that they can learn the greek language and where people ensure that migrants in greece have equal rights with the rest of the population. By accepting that this page is down, Facebook community assists racism and race hatred at the expense of people who have never harmed anyone. Please, reconsider your decision and bring back the page as it has been.
Τhe 19392 likers request that the page “JUNGLE-Report” is restored as soon as possible. The page has always shown that Golden Dawn is a nenonazi party and that’s why it has been a target for the fascists. By accepting that this page is down, Facebook community assists racism and race hatred at the expense of people who have never harmed anyone. Please, reconsider your decision and bring back the page as it has been.
Thank you.”
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