

Με αφορμή την Παγκόσμια Μέρα Ευαισθητοποίησης


1. Banana Boys

Banana Boys

AIDS Rochester, Inc.

2. Naked Torsos

Naked Torsos

Alfred University

3. Get Physical

Get Physical

The Arizona AIDS Fund

4. If You Can't Keep It Zipped, Keep It Covered

If You Can't Keep It Zipped, Keep It Covered

Catawba County Health Department, Hickory, NC

5. Good Boys Always Wear Their Rubbers

Good Boys Always Wear Their Rubbers

Department of Health, Office of AIDS Prevention, City of Chicago

6. Please Hug Me

Please Hug Me

Center For Attitudinal Healing, Tiburon, CA

7. America Responds to AIDS

America Responds to AIDS

Centers for Disease Control, United States Federal Government

8. Watergate


Orange County Center for Health

9. Sailors


Victorian AIDS Council, Inc./Gay Men's Health Centre, Inc., Australia

10. World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day

Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO)

11. Africa We Care

Africa We Care

Gauteng AIDS Programme

12. AIDS Is Preventable

AIDS Is Preventable

13. Regular Condom Use

Regular Condom Use

Helseutvalget for homofile, Olso

14. Juhuiiiiii!


The Hot Rubber Company Deutschland, Berlin, Germany

15. Rubber, Bears

Rubber, Bears

16. Love His Sin

Love His Sin

Treffpunkt und Beratung fur Prostituierte, Berlin

17. AIDSGate


AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP)

18. For Teenagers Only

For Teenagers Only

Indiana State Board of Health

19. Get It Under Cover

Get It Under Cover

Metro Committee on AIDS

20. Drugs AIDS No

Drugs AIDS No

Vydal ustav zdravotnej vychovy, Bratislava

21. Stop AIDS


AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz, Zurich, Switzerland

22. Stop AIDS Now

Stop AIDS Now

AIDS-Informations-Zentrale Austria (AIDS-Hilfe Informationsstelle)

23. Condom-Man


Health Education Service

24. Be Good In Bed

Be Good In Bed

Terence Higgins Trust, London, U.K.

25. Protect Your Valuables

Protect Your Valuables

26. Ignorance=Fear



27. Sharing Needles Is Just Asking For It

Sharing Needles Is Just Asking For It

National Advisory Committee on AIDS (NACAIDS)

28. Silence=Death



29. Don't Forget The Chapter On AIDS

Don't Forget The Chapter On AIDS


30. Cover Your

Cover Your

AIDS Committee of Durham Region, Oshawa, ON

31. Prevent AIDS

Prevent AIDS


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σχετικά άρθρα

«Διαζύγιο ύπνου»: Γιατί γίνεται όλο και πιο δημοφιλές στα ζευγάρια
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