Εύρεση Εργασίας 

The company

Adzuna is a London based search engine for job ads used by over 9 million visitors per month that aims to list every job, everywhere. We search thousands of websites so our users don't have to, bringing together millions of ads in one place. By providing smarter search options and powerful data about the job market, as well as unique tools like ValueMyCV, we give jobseekers the information they need to take control of their careers. Adzuna’s data also powers the Number 10 Dashboard, used by the UK Prime Minister and senior officials to keep track of economic growth on a daily basis.

Who we’re looking for

We're looking for a smart, ambitious full-time junior developer (40 hrs/week) to join our development team in a remote working role. This person will be responsible for integrating clients’ jobs into the Adzuna site across 11 countries, primarily via XML feed integrations and scraping HTML websites. There will also be opportunities to improve the existing tools and processes when required.

This is a fantastic opportunity to develop your skills within a great team of IT professionals who are focused on building a high quality product with the best possible content available for our users.


  • Some Perl experience (or other scripting language e.g. Python, PHP)
  • Regular expressions
  • Linux basics (we use Ubuntu)
  • Excellent understanding of HTML and XML
  • Excellent communication skills in English
  • Ability to work efficiently and effectively as part of a wider team
  • Strong troubleshooting and problem solving skills


Desired skills & experience (but not required)

  • Some experience with SQL (MySQL or other DBMS)
  • git (or other VCS or DVCS)
  • C, C++, Java (or other programming language)
  • Some experience working with WEB APIs
  • Experience working with Jira or similar ticketing system

What we offer

  • An opportunity to be part of a high-growth startup business with a friendly, informal, no-politics, low-hierarchy, multicultural team culture
  • The chance to work with and learn from a highly motivated team of experienced internet professionals who want to make job search better
  • Flexibility to work from home (or anywhere with a decent internet connection!)

If you are interested in the role and want to join the Adzuna team then apply today. 


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