Αντικείμενο του Προγράμματος Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών είναι η παραγωγή και μετάδοση γνώσεων και η ανάπτυξη τεχνογνωσίας, μεθοδολογιών, λειτουργικών εργαλείων και εν γένει ερευνητικών αποτελεσμάτων στο διεπιστημονικό πεδίο (αποτελούμενο από τους κλάδους της Πολιτικής Επιστήμης, των Διεθνών Σχέσεων, της Κοινωνιολογίας και των Πολιτισμικών Σπουδών) των «Σπουδών Περιοχής» στη Μεσόγειο.

Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, το ΠΜΣ αποσκοπεί αφενός μεν στην προαγωγή της έρευνας στο πεδίο μελέτης των πολιτικών και κοινωνικό−οικονομικών εξελίξεων στην περιοχή της Μεσογείου, αφετέρου δε στην εξειδίκευση των φοιτητών στο επιστημονικό αυτό πεδίο παρέχοντας σε αυτούς τα αναγκαία εφόδια για την περαιτέρω επιστημονική και επαγγελματική σταδιοδρομία τους, αλλά και στην ενεργό συμμετοχή τους στην οικονομική, κοινωνική και πολιτική ανάπτυξη της χώρας τους μέσα στο σύγχρονο διεθνές και ευρωπαϊκό τοπίο.

Το Π.Μ.Σ. απονέμει Δίπλωμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Δ.Μ.Σ.) στις «Μεσογειακές Σπουδές».

Το ΠΜΣ “Μεσογειακές Σπουδές” πραγματοποιείται σε συνεργασία με τα Πανεπιστήμια:
της Μπολόνια (Ιταλία)
Inalco (Γαλλία)
Yaşar (Τουρκία)
Νεάπολις Πάφου (Κύπρος)
Olympia Summer Academy (Ελλάδα)

Τα μαθήματα γίνονται εξ ολοκλήρου στην Αγγλική Γλώσσα.

Δείτε την προκήρυξη:

The Department of Political Science and International Relations of the University of the Peloponnese (Greece), in partnership with 

✓ the Department of Political and Social Sciences and the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna (Italy),

✓ the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) of the Université Sorbonne Paris Cité (France),

✓ the Department of International Relations of the Yaşar University (Turkey),

✓ the Department of Economics and Finance of the Neapolis University of Pafos (Cyprus), and

✓ the Olympia Summer Academy offers a Postgraduate Program in Mediterranean Studies and will receive up to 26 students for the academic year 2020-2021. 

Description of Program 

The MA in Mediterranean Studies is designed to be a flexible and dynamic umbrella program that covers a wide variety of issues and problems across different disciplines (i.e., Political Science, International Relations, Cultural Studies, and Economics). It is premised on a multidimensional approach to an array of pressing, though interdependent, questions such as conflict, security and nationalism; democratization, civil society and the Arab Spring; Cultures and multiculturalism; women’s issues and activism; economic crisis and development; and energy security and environmental challenges. The structure of the program facilitates the diverse contributions of faculty of the different participating institutions, enabling and sustaining the program’s wide-ranging focus. 

Learning Outcomes 

Upon completion of studies, graduates of the Postgraduate Programme: 

  • Possess advanced, interdisciplinary knowledge of the modern Mediterranean region in relation to its political systems, international relations, cultural diversity, and socio-economic conditions. 
  • Have a solid and comprehensive methodological, theoretical and empirical knowledge basis to work individually or in team in order to investigate, analyze and solve problems, particularly with regard to the design and implementation of policies in the Mediterranean region. 
  • Are able to draw on academic theories, analytical concepts, and historical experience to critically assess policies and policy prescriptions for the region promoted by public agencies, non- governmental organizations and international organisations. 
  • Are able to conduct professional-level research, articulate tenable arguments, and present original findings and viewpoints concerning developments in the region. 
  • Are able to prepare and carry out work plans/research and take responsibility for decision-making and problem-solving. 
  • Are able to assume administrative duties in their field of expertise and deal with any upcoming problems, either individually or collectively. 

Structure of Program 

The program of studies comprises seven core courses, two elective courses (out of which each student should select one course) and a dissertation. The program’s requirements correspond to 75 ECTS credits. 

Winter Term Core Courses 1. Research Methods in Social Sciences Ι (3 ECTS) 2. Conflict and Security in the Mediterranean (9 ECTS) 3. Civilizations and Cultures in the Mediterranean (9 ECTS) 4. Comparative politics and government in the Mediterranean (9 ECTS) 

Lent Term Core Courses 1. Research Methods in Social Sciences ΙΙ (3 ECTS) 2. The Arab Spring and civil society in the Mediterranean (9 ECTS) 3. The EU in the Mediterranean (9 ECTS) 4. Energy and natural resources in the Mediterranean (4 ECTS) 5. Democracy, human rights and multiculturalism: Europe and the Arab countries (5 ECTS) 

Summer period Dissertation (15 ECTS) 

The program’s requirements correspond to 75 ECTS credits. 

Duration of studies: Twelve months, full time. 

Title Awarded: Master of Arts (M.A.) in Mediterranean Studies. The degree is awarded from the University of the Peloponnese upon successful completion of the program’s requirements. All partnering institutions are explicitly mentioned in the Diploma Supplement. 

Language of instruction: English. 

Location: Students attend courses in the coastal city of Corinth, in Greece. The Department is conveniently located an hour away from Athens, easily accessible by train and bus. 

Tuition Fees: Three thousand euro (€3,000). Tuition fees can be paid in three installments. Installments amounts are: 1000€ (upon registration), 1000€ (by 15 January 2021), and 1000€ (by 15 Apil 2021). 

The Department provides two merit-based full tuition fee waivers for economically disadvantaged students coming from non-EU Mediterranean countries with an outstanding profile. 

Tuition fees are waived for EU students whose personal and family income does not exceed 100% and 70% of national median equivalent disposal income respectively, according to the latest data published by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ElStat). The waiver is provided for one postgraduate program only. The number of students benefiting from the waiver cannot exceed 30% of all students admitted to the postgraduate program. If the number of those eligible exceeds that proportion, those admitted to the program are selected starting from those with the lowest income (art.35, para 2, Law 4485/2017). Greek students may also seek to receive a grant for their postgraduate studies from the ‘LAEK 0.24’ program of OAED (for more information see: Students should also consider the accommodation and living expenses while staying in Corinth. 

Deadline for Application: 31 August 2020. Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply early and avoid last-minute increased competition. 

Admission Requirements 

The program invites graduates of Departments of domestic Universities and Higher Technological Institutes and graduates of recognized equivalent institutions abroad to submit their candidacy for enrollment. Applicant students should have a degree (at least second class honours) in a relevant field of study (e.g., Political Science, International Relations, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Economics and Law). Applicant students should also have excellent command of English. Previous professional experience and any other relevant skills (e.g., knowledge of other languages spoken in the Mediterranean) will be considered too. 

Students holding a first degree from a foreign institution: Students holding a first degree from a foreign institution should recognize their Academic Titles following acceptance to the program. Under Law 4485/17, a Postgraduate Diploma is not awarded to a student whose first degree from a foreign institution has not been recognized by the Hellenic National Academic Recognition Information Center (NARIC) (Διεπιστημονικός Οργανισμός Αναγνώρισης Τίτλων Ακαδημαϊκών και Πληροφόρησης (Δ.Ο.Α.Τ.Α.Π.). 

Students holding a first degree from a foreign institution will be guided accordingly to prepare their application to NARIC. 


Applications are being evaluated according to the following criteria: 

– Degree grade: 40%

– Relevant work experience and/or grades obtained in the most relevant undergraduate courses to the MA’s subject matter: 20%

– Thesis grade (if a thesis was written during undergraduate studies): 5%

– Research experience: 5%

– Interview: 30%. 


Applicants should provide copies of the following documents in English: 

  1. Completed application form [
  2. Curriculum Vitae (preferably in Europass format, )
  3. Degree certificate(s)*
  4. If the degree has been awarded by a foreign university, a certificate of the degree’s acknowledgment by the Hellenic National Academic Recognition Information Center (NARIC) is needed. Students holding a degree from a foreign institution will be guided accordingly.
  5. Transcript of records of degree(s) (completed or currently studying) * 
  6. Diploma Supplement (if available) 
  7. Formal qualification of written and oral proficiency in English (i.e. equivalent to C1 level or higher according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
  8. A one-page motivation letter
  9. Other supporting documents (e.g. proof of work experience, additional language skills, etc.)
  10. Two references [referees should send themselves their letters of recommendation to the following email address [email protected] ]
  11. Identity Card or passport 

* Qualifications obtained from Greek-speaking Universities may be submitted in the original language. 

Applications should be posted to the following address: 

“M.A. in Mediterranean Studies” 

Postgraduate Admissions Department of Political Science & International Relations University of the Peloponnese 1 Aristotelous St. & Athinon Ave., GR-201 32 Corinth GREECE 

For further information, email: [email protected] see: 

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σχετικά άρθρα

Ένα ωραίο 3ήμερο για τους μαθητές και τους εκπαιδευτικούς την εβδομάδα που έρχεται, αλλά όχι για όλους
Σε ποιες περιοχές τα σχολεία δεν θα λειτουργήσουν την Δευτέρα που έρχεται
Ένα ωραίο 3ήμερο για τους μαθητές και τους εκπαιδευτικούς την εβδομάδα που έρχεται, αλλά όχι για όλους
Παιδιά στη Γάζα
Σοκάρει μελέτη για την υγεία των παιδιών: Ο πόλεμος αλλάζει γονίδια του DΝΑ και επιβραδύνει την ανάπτυξή τους
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Σοκάρει μελέτη για την υγεία των παιδιών: Ο πόλεμος αλλάζει γονίδια του DΝΑ και επιβραδύνει την ανάπτυξή τους
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Μήλο: Ποιο θεωρείται το πιο υγιεινό – Ιδιότητες, βιταμίνες, θερμίδες