Διδακτορικές υποτροφίες

Promising Research candidates - 2019 Ph.D & Master’s Admission

Exclusive event – September 8, 2018 in Sherbrooke (Québec, Canada)

How great is your research ambition? The Université de Sherbrooke (Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada) is pleased to invite you to its second edition exclusive event geared towards the most promising research candidates (Master or Ph.D.). Research SuperVision 2017 is more than an open house invitation about research! This is a valuable opportunity to meet one-on-one with our professors-researchers in a unique, relaxed environment. In addition, you will receive assistance to prepare your grant applications for funding agencies for a 2019 admission. An exceptional event created specifically to meet the needs of the best candidates!

Places are limited.


Engineering, Health & Science

Anatomy and Cellular Biology

Biology (Computational Biology / Ecology / Microbiology / Molecular and Cellular Biology)

Chemistry (Biochemistry / Environmental Chemistry / Materials and Photonics Chemistry / Synthesis and Pharmaceutical Chemistry)

Computer Science (Computational Biology / Domotics / Imagery and Digital Media / Software Engineering)

Engineering (Aerospace Engineering / Biotechnological Engineering / Building Engineering / Chemical Engineering / Civil Engineering / Computer Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Robotic Engineering / Software-Computer Engineering)

Environment / Sustainable Development (interdisciplinary)

Experimental Medicine


Geographic Sciences (Digital Imaging Processing / Geographical Environments / Geomatics / Physics of Remote Sensing / Remote Sensing)


Health Sciences (Addiction / Community Health / Geriatrics / Health Sciences Education / Mental Health / Nursing / Rehabilitation)


Mathematics (Algebra and Geometry / Biostatistics / Statistics)

Medical Imaging



Physical Activity Sciences (Educational Intervention in Physical Activity / Kinesiology, Health and Aging / Neuromechanics and Ergonomics)

Physics (Biophysics / Mesoscopic Physics and Nanotechnology / Photonics / Quantum Computer / Superconductivity)


Radiation Sciences (Biomedical Imaging / Nuclear Medicine / Radiation Sciences)

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σχετικά άρθρα

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