The Chair of Building Physics of ETH Zurich is performing multiscale research on the interaction of moisture with porous materials.
In collaboration with the Laboratory of Multiscale Studies in Building Physics of Empa, we are recruiting several PhD students on “Molecular dynamics investigation of polymeric materials and their hygro-mechanical behavior”
We are looking for highly skilled and motivated candidates that will investigate, with Molecular Dynamics (MD), the moisture behavior of different natural polymeric materials. Understanding the role of moisture on these composite materials will be achieved through atomistic simulations, analyzed and validated with experiments. In particular, the behavior of materials in terms of transport, sorption, dimensional stability and mechanical properties is studied.
The problem has a multiscale nature, so an existent multiscale frame using MD, upscaling with poromechanics and continuum models is to be used.
The candidate should be a responsible and communicative scientist with a master degree in mechanical, civil or material engineering, physics, materials science, or similar field. Optimally, the candidate should have a strong background in mechanics of materials and computer simulation. A good background in computer programming is advantageous. The candidate should be proficient in English.
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