Υποτροφίες από το Swansea University, UK , 2018

Swansea University School of Management I-Lab Research Centre invites applications for funded Ph.D. study in Models of Commercialisation through Open Innovation. The research will be embedded within the AgorIP initiative based in I-Lab, supporting technology transfer from Universities, NHS Bodies, and other organizations.

Swansea i-Lab (Innovation Lab) is based within the School of Management and is comprised of a collection of centers, themes, groups and individuals examining innovation in the broadest sense.

The Centre looks to develop a greater understanding of innovation, its management, and its influence on consumers, employees, citizens, organizations, markets and society. The work of i-Lab adopts both qualitative and quantitative perspectives and may be categorized to reflect members’ interests at societal, organizational, and individual (citizen/consumer) levels.

Research within i-Lab is conducted in a variety of contexts, being viewed through a lens of innovation development, adoption, diffusion, sustainability and impact. This approach allows for internal projects, both within i-Lab and across the School of Management and broader University, and collaboration with external partners.

- Candidates should have at least an upper second class (2.1) honors degree in a relevant discipline (e.g. Business Management) and a master’s degree with a minimum of merit;
- For details on the University’s English Language entry requirements, please visit –

- The scholarship covers the full cost of UK/EU tuition fees, an annual stipend of GBP 14,296 and other research expenses;
- There are no restrictions on the nationality of candidates, however, please note that the scholarship only covers UK/EU tuition fees (GBP 4,280).

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