Εύρεση εργασίας 

Νέες θέσεις εργασίας σε Αθήνα, Θεσσαλονίκη, Πάτρα και Λάρισα Coffee Ambassador (Πάτρα, Αθήνα, Λάρισα)


The Company is seeking to recruit a Coffee Ambassador for Patra to develop its coffee brands in the Ho.Re.Ca. The role is responsible for the delivery of Coffee HoReCa Sell-Out Plan through specific targets according to company’s strategy and targets.


– Presents coffee offer to potential Ho.Re.Ca. customers, mastering product range and professional machine coffee making techniques and baristas coffee-related routines
– Leads the market development of area/customer of responsibility & achieves Key Business Indicators (KBI’s)
– Runs contract negotiation and sign off
– Assesses coffee machine model per outlet based on specific criteria
– Monitors POS performance and facilitates retention
– Effectively collaborates with cross-category sales people to support coffee sales


  Desired profile:

– Effective selling and negotiation with customers
– Highly motivated and competitive, enthusiastic and creative with the ability to build strong customer relationships
– A team player with an excellent customer service approach
– A professional manner, articulate with excellent written and oral communication skills and strong interpersonal skills
– Ability to work on own initiative, with strong planning and organizational skills

Basic Pre-requisites:

– University Degree in Business studies
– Driving license
– IT literacy (MS Office)
– 2 years of prior experience in a similar role
– Good level of English
– Geographic mobility – ability to travel throughout the area under responsibility

Generic Close

Coca-Cola Hellenic is an equal opportunities employer. Your application is held in a complete confidence in accordance with data protection legislation. References will not be taken up without your explicit permission.

MARKET DEVELOPER (Αθήνα, Θεσσαλονίκη)


The Company is seeking to recruit a Market Developer for Thessaloniki operation.  The role involves the delivery of a Market Development Plan in order to increase sales and company profitability according to company’s strategy and targets.


-Achieves volume per category sales objectives and product distribution

– Builds and maintains strong relationships with customers by adopting a value added approach to their business

-Identifies opportunities and develops plans for business improvement with defined clients, providing retailers with tools to develop their business

-Closes deals with customers

-Actively manages credit with relevant customers on the route, ensuring a stable financial status for all accounts

-Improves profitability in defined territory, trade channel and grid

-Activates and maintains displays; executes promotional activities; responsible for product rotation, returns and refills of refrigerators;

-Visits and develops all outlets based on daily route, order placement, Merchandising Standards, – Execution of promotional activities, Rotation of products, Returns, Refill of refrigerators, stands, PBS, racks etc and Rational equipment placement.

-Ensures that all company’s assets are in good condition and in the agreed (with the customer) position


Essential Criteria:

– Highly motivated and competitive, enthusiastic and creative with the ability to build strong customer relationships

– A team player with an excellent customer service approach

– A professional manner, articulate with excellent written and oral communication skills and strong interpersonal skills

– Ability to work on own initiative, with strong planning and organizational skills

– Full driving license

– Geographic mobility – ability to travel throughout the area under responsibility

– University Degree in Business studies / Economics is desirable

Desirable Criteria:

– IT literate – understanding of MS Office Pack

– 1 years of prior experience in the position

– Good level of English

Generic Close

Coca-Cola Hellenic is an equal opportunities employer.  Your application is held in a complete confidence in accordance with data protection legislation.  References will not be taken up without your explicit permission.


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